Are you tempted by the promise of easy to make, animated sketch videos, and perfectly lip synced, customizable, 3D animated Avatars? These days almost everyone is into producing video content. Whether it's to promote a business, teach a course, or just to share your creativity on YouTube and other social media. Producing great quality videos takes time to learn. It's even more challenging if you either don't want to or just aren't comfortable with being on camera. That's when 'done for you', template style video makers start to look like an attractive solution. Sketch Genius and Avatar Builder are both owned by tech entrepreneurs/marketers, Paul Ponna and Sid Diwar . Both video makers have been marketed on FaceBook as complete video creation solutions you can use for personal and commercial projects for a low, one time, payment. Both video makers offer some quite unique features that seemingly make them worth the low introductory prices. Be warned, buyin